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    Metro 2033

    -> refer to rA1nsworld 4 bookreview

    Freitag, 31. Juli 2009



    Okay, calm down... reseting my mind.

    So, what do you expect from a game that is presented with this picture on cover?

    I tell you what I thought: "Man what a gun, and what a cool guy... would cool to be (play) him"

    OMG, bought it, installed it, saw it and was angry. Why do CM think they could exhilarate a gamer with a post-SF-US-civil-war-themed-but-lousy-gameplay-thing like this.
    Thogh the story sounds familiar, like Postman (for the younger ones --> a movie with K. Costner) but I must acclaim it is not as uninterresting as I thought first.

    But: the graphics, "argh" I saw this years before man! Big minus...

    As bad as the graphics are, the alternation is even worse. After half an hour you could think you have seen the same situation thousand times before.

    All about, I could only say: better play Gears of War .

    Samstag, 18. Juli 2009

    Mirror's Edge

    "there's no way back"

    they couldn't get a better Headline then this.

    You are Faith, a female outlaw in a rusty future where the law is made by the high earners (looks familiar huh?), you are about to transport packages from one client to another. By feet.

    You are on a wrong turn if you think this could be easy or boring... the police is always in your neck, you have no armor or weapons (only if you beat a cop and take his) and the only chance not to die is to run as fast as possible, jumping over rooftops, layaway over street canyons and making all the other good looking parcours- stunts

    It's a concept that we all now for years (means: jump'n'run) but in this presentation didn't you ever seen a better genre fellow.

    The minimum specs are not as high as you would think, so it would run well under an old 3GHz-1GBRam-256MBVGA-System.

    I have no problem with all settings on max which looks pretty cool.

    You should definitely patch up cause in the release version they had problems with physx.

    conviction: worth it's cost

    future: as the rumors on the web say there is just a sequel under construction, hope they don't need years for it

    How it all began...

    Why do I writing here?

    Seems only to tell somebody things 'bout that n'one wants to hear, to make myself feel better so its more egoism than information that leeds me to this page...

    So, why not making the best effort of this fact and telling something about an obsession of mine: games.

    Just wanna try to make "Up-to-date"-reviews of games I'll play and inform you about the games worth or not...

    cu later in this theater